Distances Between Planets


The distances between planets will vary depending on where each planet is in its orbit around the Sun. Sometimes the distances will be closer and other times they will be farther away.

The reason for this is that the planets have elliptical orbits and none of them are perfect circles. As an example, the distance between the planet Mercury and Earth can range from 77 million km at the closest point, to as far as 222 million km at the farthest. There is a huge amount of different in the distances between the planets depending on their position on their orbit path.

The table below shows the eight planets and the average distance between them. The AU column is the distance in astronomical units.

1 AU is the distance from the Sun to Earth, which is 149,600,000 km.

Planet distance table

Mercury Venus 0.34 50,290,000 31,248,757
Mercury Earth 0.61 91,691,000 56,974,146
Mercury Mars 1.14 170,030,000 105,651,744
Mercury Jupiter 4.82 720,420,000 447,648,234
Mercury Saturn 9.14 1,366,690,000 849,221,795
Mercury Uranus 18.82 2,815,640,000 1,749,638,696
Mercury Neptune 29.70 4,443,090,000 2,760,936,126
Venus Earth 0.28 41,400,000 25,724,767
Venus Mars 0.8 119,740,000 74,402,987
Venus Jupiter 4.48 670,130,000 416,399,477
Venus Saturn 8.80 1,316,400,000 817,973,037
Venus Uranus 18.49 2,765,350,000 1,718,388,490
Venus Neptune 29.37 4,392,800,000 2,729,685,920
Earth Mars 0.52 78,340,000 48,678,219
Earth Jupiter 4.2 628,730,000 390,674,710
Earth Saturn 8.52 1,275,000,000 792,248,270
Earth Uranus 18.21 2,723,950,000 1,692,662,530
Earth Neptune 29.09 4,351,400,000 2,703,959,960
Mars Jupiter 3.68 550,390,000 342,012,346
Mars Saturn 7.99 1,196,660,000 743,604,524
Mars Uranus 17.69 2,645,610,000 1,643,982,054
Mars Neptune 28.56 4,273,060,000 2,655,279,484
Jupiter Saturn 4.32 646,270,000 401,592,178
Jupiter Uranus 14.01 2,095,220,000 1,301,969,708
Jupiter Neptune 24.89 3,722,670,000 2,313,267,138
Saturn Uranus 9.7 1,448,950,000 900,377,530
Saturn Neptune 20.57 3,076,400,000 1,911,674,960
Uranus Neptune 10.88 1,627,450,000 1,011,297,430

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